About Vaishali


“Yoga is for everyone … but, this wasn’t what I thought at first..”

Yoga and Me


Hi, I am Vaishali.

I'm a curious sort of gal in my 40s and it occurred to me a few years ago that even though I had grown up in India (the birthplace of yoga), I had never crossed paths with yoga!

My mother-in-law had suggested a few times that I try yoga but does anyone listen to their mother-in-law? Well, I did. As I enthusiastically stepped into my 40s, I decided to try it, to find out what yoga was all about. And how it could help me enhance my wellbeing.

I bought myself a beginner yoga class package at a beautiful local yoga studio, one with the highest ratings and great reviews. I read up some yoga material online and thought I was prepared for my first class.

But my first yoga experience was not very promising. I was intimidated by the teacher and the speed and expectations of the session. I did not feel yoga was a good fit for me. I also wondered if this was really how yoga should be taught. All I remember was walking out of the studio thinking ‘yoga isn't for me’.

But you see, I'm a lifelong learner and always up for a challenge. So, a few months later, I decided to give yoga another try. This time, in a small group class setting with an authentic (but no hype) teacher. And this time, something clicked!

Yoga and I found each other quite interesting. I started practicing regularly and almost immediately, felt more energetic yet calmer and more balanced. I felt sharper and more in control. I lost weight, gained strength and started eating and sleeping better.

I was more healthy, joyful and alive!

Yoga and its impact on me compelled me to go deeper in learning and understanding how it affects us. A teacher training course would be a great way to do this, said my wise teachers. So I signed up for a 200-hr Yoga Teacher Training (YTT). Not with the intention to be a teacher, but to get a deeper knowledge of this ancient wisdom and understand it better.

Yoga made so much sense to me that I felt I needed to share it with others like me, in a way that was easy, accessible and made sense.

I wanted everyone I knew to experience the benefits of Yoga. I started teaching friends and family which soon expanded to corporate colleagues, kids, seniors and members of the community. I grew with every session and was fortunate enough to find excellent mentors and wonderful opportunities to build my practice and develop as an authentic yoga practitioner.

Yoga and me, we were meant to be! 

My life before Yoga was a two-decade long Corporate HR career, working as a social entrepreneur and being a busy mom without much time to focus on sustainable self-care and well being. Until I found the tools and learnings of Yoga!

In my professional career at small start-ups, global companies and as an entrepreneur, I have met and worked with people of multiple ages, races and nationalities. I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to make an impact in the corporate world. But now my journey and work is even more meaningful.

As your yoga instructor.

I wish I had found Yoga earlier but now that I have, I wish to share the benefits of this ‘way of life’ with you.


I believe that

  • Yoga teaches us movement (for the body) and stillness (for the mind)

  • Yoga is ‘inclusive’ and is for everyone, at any age or stage. 

  • Yoga practice should leave all judgment behind. There are no prerequisites and no expectations to ‘reach’ anywhere with Yoga.

  • Our relationship is based on me meeting you ‘where you are’ in your yoga path and take you onward in your journey to greater well being. 

  • My responsibility as your yoga instructor is to guide and enable you as you experience the benefits of authentic yoga. 

  • Our sessions are built to give you personalized attention even if we are in a group/virtual setting.

  • When a student is ready, the teacher appears.

  • Yoga is so much more than the poses we practice, it has the power to bring well being and joy each time you are on the mat.

Vaishali Shah, Certified Yoga Instructor RYT 200

“We make yoga available ‘for the rest of us.”

— Vaishali Shah, Founder of Yoga4RestofUs

It is a true blessing and honor to share my journey with you. I came to yoga as a sceptic and thought it wasn't for everyone. But after experiencing and understanding authentic yoga and seeing what it did for me, I am a believer! Yoga is for everyone!

I'm passionate about sharing this beautiful gift with the 'rest of us'.

Come find out for yourself!